The darkest day of the winter is over, from now the days get longer. At this time of the year we normally have lots of snow. And we celebrate Christmas. This year December have been a long search for good conditions for sledding. Kiruna in Sweden have been the rescue, but this weekend it was just hard and icy conditions. So whit no hope I went to Devvdes, just to have a look. I was quite sure that the warm weather had stolen the snow. But I was wrong! It ended up a happy day! Really good conditions. So now I can at least run the dogs up there, in days that get longer and longer. And who knows, maybe one day we will have snow back home as well. OK, it is not totally black Christmas. We have a thin layer down here in the wally, but not much.
The Christmas celebration. For the first year in a long time I am going to spend it whit the family.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you.