Reading this Blog one might get the impression that I spend all my time up in the mountain. Well, I have to admit, this is not true. I also spend some time on the sofa, like today. But, for the moment, the training of the dogs is the main them of this Blog.
Anyway, the subject to day is Christmas. First I have to say that I am not a Christmas person. So this year, again, I ran away from the holyday together whit some friends, Jossan and Jørgen and their 10 months old daughter Vega. Jørgen and me running dogs, while Jossan were skiing whit Vega in the pulk.
On the way in to Devdesbua ( a log cabin in the woods) Jossan were skijouring behind my dogteam. It was quite deep snow, so the speed was not too high. It looked like Vega had a good trip, sleeping all the way. How much Vega understood of what was going on I dont know, but it looked like she had a good time. And if I know her parents right, this is not her last wilderness trip.
The weather was not the best, whit heavy wind from west. Still we were able to make a run above the tree line after leaving Jossan and Vega at Devdesbua
On the 24 Jørgen and me took a 60 kilometers run whit the dogs before returning to the cabin for dinner. A perfect steak of Rudolf the reindeer. So if you wonder why Santa did not come for Christmas, well it is because he had no reindeer to pull his sled.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Christmas day and time for an other day of mushing. This time we broke some new trail in Skakterdalen. Windblown snow maid some hard work for the dogs, but they have to experience that as well. After dinner and a short nap we returned back home after a day of 70 kilometers on the sledrunners. This day the dogs passed 2000 kilometers of training. This might sound like a lot, but compared to many other mushers, its not that much.