Race time getting closer, and its time for the last preparations. My house is looking more or less like a store than a home. Maps takes most of the place on the kitchen table, boots and jackets floating around the floor and all the other things I need or don't need. My head is a little too much focused on the race and race preparations right now. Took some time of to day and went climbing just to get my head away from dogs for some hours . But before going home I had to go and have pep-talk whit the dogs.
For the dogs the hard training is over. Since last week they have been running 25-30 kilometers every other day. They are full of energy, busting into exited barking as soon as anyone gets close to the dog lot. They are ready! Running have been really fun this days. Its not a question of getting them to run fast, its a question of braking enough to keep the speed down. And that's not to easy whit all the moos that's cheering us on. Last trip I met nine of them, the trip before only eight. But then I also met two deers.
And on top of it all Iditarod starts this weekend. On the start is Norwegian Robert Sørli, trying to take his third victory in only his fourth race. This means that on top of the race preparations I also have to check the Internet to get updates. For the real Internet-musher the coming weeks are going to be a marathon. It starts for real tomorrow whit Iditarod, then next Saturday (march 10) Finnmarksløpet starts. The 500 kilometer, the one I am doing, should have a winner in the evening Monday. I hope to reach the finish-line some time between 11.00 pm and 05.00 am. The 1000 kilometer should have a winner in the early hours Friday morning (march 16). If its a fast trail maybe all ready around midnight. The last man/woman should be back in Alta Saturday/Sunday. This means that if you are serious about Internet-mushing you have a two week marathon coming up.
So long. I don't know if I get time to update the blog before leaving for Alta, but I will be back whit a resume after the race.
Hi Aslak,
I can imagine how much you and the dogs must be excited and focused. Have a good time up there!
Hej Aslak!
Lycka till på tävlingen, jag ska hålla tummarna för dig och dina hundar!
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